That guy lost his head!
Oh, where to start, where to start. OK, first off, if you want to buy a donut, don't go to a Banker! What do I mean? Back in January I developed this infection in my foot. We still don't know for certain what caused it but it ended up to seemingly settle in the Big Toe on the right foot. It would be OK for awhile and then it would produce these huge painful blisters. Since it originally started around the little toe and appeared to be a bite, the Docs sent me to an infectious disease specialist. After the removal of the toe nail, huge doses of anti-biotics and $15K worth of medical procedures, IT WAS STILL THE SAME!!!!!!
So the thought occured to me, "maybe you should let the foot doctor have a look at this!" So Deb set up an appointment and I went in expecting him to be completely mystified by what he saw and guess what? He has saw it before! In fact, he practically laughed when I told him that this had been diagnosed as everything from MRSA to excema. His diagnosis was this. There was something wrong with the little toe back in January, possibly a bite, but the massive quantities of anti-biotics attacked it as it should but it changed the "flora" (I have no idea) of my foot and a fungus started in the Big Toe. That's right, athletes foot! A fairly severe case but athletes foot nonetheless. He prescribed one pill to take once a day and the Toe looks amazingly better.
So yes, I'm a little ticked and disgusted and I've learned that if you want a donut, don't go to a Banker! I'm not going to lose my head over it and luckily the nail will grow back!