Have you ever wondered why Drive-up ATM machines have Braille on the numbers?
Have you ever wondered why we pay big money for front row seats at certain events but no one ever sits there in Church?
Does it ever bother anybody else when someone starts a conversation with, "Can I ask you a question?" (I usually reply, "you just did.")
Has anyone ever really figured out how you can save money by spending it? The way I figure it, even with the best of sales you are simply spending less.
Why have we never elected a Church Pastor as President? (no, I'm not running, I don't like demotions) It makes sense when you think about it. Every month I experience someone that expects "the Church" to do all and be all with the $5.00 that that annually contribute. (sigh)
Some Banks really have it figured out. They give you free pens but then charge you to write a check!
Why are so many Comedians, manic depressants? That one I actually think I know. It's the laughter of the heart that matters most.
What is it that we are "working to get ahead" of? And why does it take so long to get there?