I recieved and e-mail the other day asking when the next blogging was going to happen? Heck, I don't always really know. Sometimes I think I have a lot to say and sit down and write very little and other times I plan to just drop a line and write a book. If I ever get it figured out, I'm sure everyone will quit reading!
I've been working a ton of overtime lately so my life has been a combination of sleeping, eating and working. So, I thought I would just touch on several things over the past few weeks, in no particular order. This one's for you, Margie!
Pastor Appreciation: On Sunday, April 27th, I was surprised by my Congregation with a PA day. It was absolutely great! I was amazed at the rush of emotions that can culminate from 7 years of your lifes work. I laughed, cried and simply shared some heartfelt moments with a group of people that I dearly love and realized how much they love me. It was an absolutely awesome day. They even got Debbie to get up and say a few words. THE SHOCK OF MY LIFE! Some men Pastor where they are called. Some men Pastor in locations that they love. I get the best of both!
My Health: Now that I am needing and entire new wardrobe because the shrink fairies sprinkled all of my old ones to where they don't fit, I decided to start fighting back. I had a Physical done, complete with a Cardiologists work up and Stress test and other than slightly high blood pressure and Cholesterol, I was told I was in pretty good shape. I decided two weeks ago to start running again. I use to love to run. Boy, how times have changed!!! But all kidding aside, I knew that running would get my readings back to where they need to be and help me lose weight and reduce some stress. I didn't realize how much stress I had because I ran 9 miles the first week! (OK, ran until I couldn't no more and then walked fast!) It has been GREAT! I feel more energy, and have needed it with all of the O.T. and I am really enjoying it. The part I love is that it isn't on a treadmill or some boring track. I go out to a Forest Preserve called Johnsons Mound. It is a 1 mile road with a 50 foot incline and decline. Yes, it is a work out!
Politics: I must admit that I got a kick out of the continued Jeremiah Wright/Obama flap this past week. Now Wright is attempting to deflect his hate speech by saying that those critical of him are attacking the "black" Church. First off, let's get real. Most of the YouTube video's of his rantings were taken by people attending his Church. Just how does he think they got on YouTube in the first place? Maybe it's time for a dose of reality in "Rev." Wright's world. Next, those that know me at all, know that I have a problem with a "black" Church, a "White" Church, a "Hispanic" Church or any other race or creed, designated Church. We are all the Children of God and we should all be able to worship God together with no dileniation at all. If we can't do that here, I'm fairly sure we won't get the chance to in Heaven.
I am not oblivious to the trials and tribulations of races in this Country but I have found out that there are only two things that I can really change. Today and tomorrow. I can't fix the past, I can't repair the past but with God's help, I can affect today and our tomorrows. Why don't we focus on them?
Politics II: I have been asked why I haven't written about Hillary's candidacy specifically? In all honesty, it is because I don't feel I can be fair. Some may say or think that I haven't been with Obama or McCain and everyone is entitled to their opinion on what I have written but let's just say that it is my intense desire to keep the "Clinton years" of presidential history at 8 and no more!
Friends: No, not the T.V. show! I want to ask you all to help me pray for some Dear Friends of mine that are going through a major life struggle right. God knows who they are and what it is so just pray with me that a mighty work is done in their lives!
Church: We have had several new Visitors in the past month, many within the 20 to 25 year age! That just stokes me up! Had a young man this morning that has combined several religions into his own personal one. I got a kick out of that! He was a bright and articulate young man that really seemed to enjoy the service and said he would be back. Just pray that the truth of the Gospel of Christ is revealed to him.
Well, that about wraps things up for now. I will try to do better this week for those that enjoy reading and those that enjoy my insanity! I love you all!