
Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Thoughts on 9/11

Yesterday morning, Debbie and I drove into the City to go to the Church to take care of some business. It was a beautiful day, almost jacket weather with bright sun shining skys, scattered with light clouds. While looking at the sky I noticed an absence of planes in the air and then it hit me. "Today is 9/11!" And not only was it 9/11 but it was the first time since that tragedy that the date fell on the same day of the week, being Tuesday.

My mind went back to that fateful day. I was working for another Company at the time and Sam was just 3 years old. I had been working some pretty heavy overtime and was sleeping when the phone rang. It was Debbie telling me that a Jet had crashed into the World Trade Center. I got up to turn on the TV within minutes of the second crash. I sat there stunned as our World literally changed around us and then my 3 year old uttered words that I will never forget. "Oh No, Daddy!" I had forgotten that he was even in the room and my brewing anger intensified as I realized that these Terrorist had stolen part of his innocense.

It is a different world that we live in today. With news of any tragedy withing our borders one of my first thoughts will deal with possible terrorism. Politicians have turned the events of that terrible day into a feeding frenzy for their own gain and I believe that one of the saddest things is that we have somewhat forgotten what happened to US on that day.

September 11th, 2001, people boarded airplanes simply planning on going to their destination. It may have been work or back home or on Vacation but through no fault of their own, their destination ended up being a eternal one.

May we never forget that day. May we never forget the lives that were lost. May we never forget that it was a cowardly and deliberate act of War against innocent Civilians simply living their lives. And may we never look at life the same way again. I was able to come home to my family today. I thank God everyday that I can.


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