
Saturday, September 23, 2006


Many times we go out of our way to portray ourselves as we want others to see us. I read a "funny" the other day about the differences between women and men that really sums our facades up.
"Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy."

OK, all funning aside, that is one of the things that I love most about God. He sees me as I am, (not as I might try to get others to think I am), and He loves me.

I counseled with someone recently that had come out of a very strict, religious background and this individual was telling me why they were angry with God. They were quite shocked when my reply to them was, "have you told God about it?" Shocked, because they had been told that it was sin to be angry with God.

I think that the sin in it comes when we keep it all bottled up and live the "facade, everything is perfect life" until we just can't handle it anymore.

God is perfect! Sometimes that might seem to be a burdensome thing to us but when it is really understood, I think it is a pretty cool thing. Here is what I mean. I'll use myself for an example. Most times I'm a pretty level headed, in control, individual. (at least that's what I let others see ;<) But I've never been one to stand in line for criticism. Want to know why? Because I know that I'm not perfect. If you criticize me about the right things, I might prove that I'm not perfect. I may feel the need to defend myself or my actions. How many "friendships" have been damaged or undone over one party being critical or mad at the other? It's a HUMAN thing!

But God is perfect! He has no need to defend Himself. He will never become emotionally unbalanced because of ANYTHING I might say to Him. As a result of that I CAN TELL HIM ANYTHING. He won't get mad and walk away, He won't pout and best of all, because He is perfect, God never holds a grudge. Try that with your closest friends and family. :<0>

When you think about it, that is usually the reason we put up facades in the first place. We worry about what others will think if we show our true selves or feelings. The cool thing is that God already knows. You aren't telling Him anything new if you share your true feelings, you are simply showing your trust in someone who loves you unconditionally.

Oh yes, one last little caveat. When you finally decide that you can trust God enough to tell Him what you are feeling, be sure to realize that He loves you enough to perfectly tell you why you are wrong. Trust me, it's better than carrying it around, all bottled up. Besides, if it were sin to be angry with God, I'm convinced we wouldn't have 150 Psalms.


  • I don't agree with you on the reason people hide their true self.
    particular page. Trust and truth don't always walk hand in hand that being said for some reason i keep coming back to this page
    God in His own way He will defend Himself. Sometimes even tho God knows what we think it still doesn't seem right to put it into words.

    By Blogger Tenacious Irishman, At 24 September, 2006 16:52  

  • The only time that trust an truth do not walk in hand in hand is when we choose not to trust the truth.

    It's OK to disagree with me, I'm far from perfect but I am working on it.

    I still maintain that God has no need to defend Himself. Again, there is no need. What God does do in those situations is "reveal" Himself. It's a far different but extremely beautiful thing.

    The key to telling God our true feelings is our willingness to hear His reply.

    By Blogger Ken, At 24 September, 2006 18:08  

  • Defend may not of been the best choice of words as we see the word differently.
    When God reveals Himself it is breathtaking as well as startling.

    Perfect people exist in their minds.
    If I refuse to admit I disagree I don't grow.

    By Blogger Tenacious Irishman, At 25 September, 2006 03:52  

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