
Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I despise being sick

The weather around here recently has been pretty much of a roller coaster. It is often said around here that, "if you don't like the weather in Chicago, wait a minute."

Well now it has hit me. I've got cold/flu like symptoms and it has been a pretty miserable beginning of the week. I guess I should be more like the preacher dudes on TV that claim they are so close to God that they never get sick. Oh well, missed again!

The good news is that this has given me time to do some things that I had been putting off until I had more time. (I can hear God snickering) Last July I had received a letter from an inmate at the prison in Moline. I've been meaning to write him back but with all of the busyness of this summer I had yet to do so. Today I was able to sit down and write him a letter and hopefully, open up more communication with him. He made contact with me through an individual in my Church. He has served nearly 10 years for a tragic mistake in his youth and is due to be released in May of 07. Naturally, after nearly 10 years of incarceration he is apprehensive about his return to society. The good news is that he has accepted Christ as his Savior and he longs to help others avoid his mistakes.

Whisper a prayer for David in the coming weeks and months ahead. I have a really good feeling about David's contact with me. I think that God is up to something and I like that.


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