
Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Out of balance

As most of you probably know, (and if you didn't, don't sweat it) I had Shoulder surgery at the end of January. I've been told that I am fortunate that it was the left Shoulder because my dominant side is the right. While I believe they are correct in that statement, I have found that we take for granted, many of the things we regularly do with our less dominant hand.

This writing for instance! My best typing is generally done with 2 fingers, yes, one on each hand. While I am a hunt an peck type writer, I have become fairly efficient at it and relatively fast. I am now reduced to one finger typing with many mistakes but hey, that's no big deal.

I went out for lunch with my Wife yesterday and found out that I could not put butter on my Biscuits by myself. Well, let's put it this way, it was much less embarrassing to have her do it for me than for me to attempt it myself!

I cannot button my own Shirt completely! Try putting on deodorant with one hand! In fact, there have been several times that I have briefly lost my balance in getting up out of a chair because of my less dominant arm. It affects you! You take for granted how much you use you non-dominant side.

All of this has put me in mind of the Church, "the body of Christ." Through the years I have witnessed the enemy cause people to believe that they are not important to the Church because they do not have a dominant role. People who float from Church to Church, usually as "God leads them." Even though that very thought is contrary to His word.

To me, (and I do recognize my warped nature),  I believe that every Church is to form the body of Christ to their surrounding communities. Yes, it's OK to leave a Church but I believe there are circumstances that need to be recognized in doing so.

1. A person should leave a Church when that church releases them to go into active ministry beyond the local Church's function

2. A person should leave a Church when they cannot resolve a dispute in a BIBLICAL manner. (and a biblical manner goes waaaaaayyyyy beyond just being mad at someone)

3. Obviously, a person should leave a Church when their job or life takes them into a new community that makes staying impossible.

Other than those circumstances, I believe that believers should make every effort to engage in and become part of the body of Christ in a local Congregation. It's the way the New Testament Church was structured in the beginning.

I even challenge you to think of this the next time that you feel like hitting the spiritual snooze button on Sunday morning. How am I affecting the body? Of course I am not suggesting that a missed Sunday will adversely or permanently affect a Church but when those missed Sunday's (or whatever day your Church meets) become easier and easier for you to take, then yes, even if you are a non-dominant part, you are affecting the body.

We are ALL important and we ALL depend upon each other as we depend upon God to lead us and yes,
I felt this way even before I became a Pastor. :<)


  • I enjoyed this writing and agree with it. Mom

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 08 February, 2011 11:48  

  • The significance of each person! We were discussing this last Wednesday evening, in regards to spiritual warfare and the use of the shield of faith. The enemy knocks down each individual part no matter the size or age. A person may "feel" insignificant but if he were to say in front of people from the body he belongs "What have I done for the kingdom?" The body will resound with affirmation and love of how that one person has blessed them and other's, for God's Glory, the dart is put out. When my little toe hurts (and it does, a month after I stubbed it.) I walk crooked. Last year it was my knee. All parts are important for general health. Thanks for the reminder. Nancy, Deb's friend from as far back as I can remember. :_)

    By Anonymous Anonymous, At 27 February, 2011 10:12  

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