
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

A busy week

The powers that be at my job have decided that 1st & 2nd shift Foreman will swap shifts for two days this year. Why? I'm not really sure. Just to mess with our sleep patterns I suppose. My Counterpart and I switched on Monday and Tuesday of this week.

While I enjoyed my evenings somewhat free, (tax man on Monday night an Ball practice on Tuesday) I had a great deal of trouble attempting to go to sleep by 10:00 p.m. Consequently, I had an even more difficult time waking up at 5:30 a.m. But I have made it, I think. I have the mother of all headaches today but I suspect it will clear in awhile. It's days like these when I think that being witty or clever is highly over rated!

I'm looking forward to Easter. We are having service on Good Friday and then on Saturday, the men of the Church are going to a Resurrection Breakfast in Racine, WI. And of course, Easter itself. We have invited some family over for "lupper." Hey, I figure if the yuppies can coin the term "brunch" for Breakfast/Lunch, then I can do the same. :<)

There is a couple of things you can help me pray about. There is a lady in my Church named Damari. This week she had an ulcer basically explode, requiring emergency surgery and she is in critical condition. Also, I spoke with my Cousin Joel and his Father in law, Louis Vest went to the Doctors for a lump on his neck. Turns out that he possibly has a malignancy in his tongue and throat. He goes in for surgery on Monday. Keep them in your prayers.


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